Old Dirty Benches

episode artwork

Patty and JD

27 August 2023

47m 37s

ODB: Paco The Flimflammer



Patty and JD discuss these particular scammers and how they often take advantage of people when theay are most vulnerable. Over the last several years, obituary or death announcement scams, also known as bereavement scams, have become more common. We discuss how these fraudsters are using obituaries to make money as well as one "obit pirate," Pascal “Paco” Leclerc, who owns Echovita and is making a lot of money on unsuspecting people.

Also we would like for our listeners to call or email us about your Dirty Bench Confessions. Maybe you know someone who committed fraud. Maybe you want to email us that you ate the last cookie, defrauding the household. Whatever it is we want to hear it.

Email us at olddirtybenches@gmail.com or call us at 253-459-3021.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, or leave a review anywhere you get your podcast. #crimeny

Sounds provided by Zapsplat.

P.S. this episode lacks some editing due to scheduling conflicts.